12 Mini Trampoline Exercises

A mini trampoline can provide several health benefits. Because the trampoline’s springs absorb shock, the exercises you perform have a softer impact on your joints than those performed on a treadmill.

For this reason, you may feel more comfortable making certain moves on a mini trampoline rather than on solid ground.

Studies have shown that aerobic exercises on a mini-trampoline can improve a person’s blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol levels, pain levels, and quality of life.

Besides being great for people recovering from injuries mini trampolines are great for those who want an intense full-body workout without having to worry about getting hurt. If you want to know about can jumping on a trampoline hurt your brain, we have a dedicated article on it.

To obtain a low-impact, effective workout, we consulted the best personal trainers to determine the best mini trampoline exercises for a full-body burn. also, you should look at the best mini trampoline for you, if you are a senior or an adult.

Below are the 12 Mini Trampoline Exercises you should try.

Jumping Jacks

A mini trampoline can also be a great cardio exercise since it is on solid ground, and jumping jacks are safe. Furthermore, if you do this exercise on a rebounder, your feet and joints absorb much less impact than when doing this exercise on a hard surface.

What you need to do:

  • Begin by bouncing steadily on the trampoline.
  • Alternate between bundling your legs together and separating them.
  • As your legs separate, swing your arms in a circular motion above your head, then bring them back down as your legs come together.

The benefits of jumping jacks include:

These exercises are low impact, and they work your whole body. You can do them as a warm-up exercise or speed them up to get a more intense cardio workout.


You can practice jumping on a mini-trampoline by running on it on the spot while you jump.

How to do it:

  • Start by standing with your back straight and your feet hip-width apart.
  • Alternately lift your legs in front of you and jog on the spot when you lift your legs.
  • When your left leg rises, swing your right arm and when your right leg rises, swing your left arm.

Benefits of jogging on a mini-trampoline:

Running on a mini trampoline is a low-impact cardio exercise suitable for people of all ages, abilities, and fitness levels. You are working your entire body by swinging your arms, keeping your core tight, and keeping your back straight. While jogging, you can increase your pace to increase the intensity of the workout, or you can jog on the spot in between exercises to get a non-stop workout.

Interestingly, a study has found that rebounding is twice as effective at improving one’s aerobic fitness levels and burning fat 50% more efficiently than running.

If you want to know more about it, you can follow our article: trampoline vs running.

High Knee Punches

This exercise will be familiar to anyone who has experience in boxing or boxercise. 

How to do it:

  • The first thing you should do is jog on the spot.
  • Lift your knees higher, ideally, as close to your chest as possible.
  • Make sure that your hands are close to your chin and your fists are closed as you lift your arms.
  • It would be best if you began punching with the opposite side arm from the one that is being lifted.

Benefits of the exercise:

This type of exercise is a great way to add variety to your cardio routine that is a little more intense than regular jogging. As you are using both arms and legs, you are exercising your whole body, and the low-impact bounces are gentle on your joints, so it is an excellent exercise for all levels.

Seated Bounce

Another type of aerobic exercise that targets various muscles of the body is seated bounces.

How to do it:

  • Put your hips on the mat, your knees bent, and your feet flat on the floor at the edge of the mini-trampoline.
  • Jump up using the muscles of your thighs.

Benefits of seated bounces:

If you are a beginner or want to add a seated bounce to your warm-up routine, this is a great cardio exercise. Bouncing in this way has benefits for your cardiovascular system and working your upper body, your core, and your thighs, so your entire body will reap the benefits.

If you want to make this exercise more challenging and target your core muscles, you can try lifting one leg or both feet off the ground. Then switch sides after bouncing a few times.

Ab Rocks

It’s not a bad idea to use ab rocks to take advantage of the rebounder’s elasticity in a new, imaginative way.

How to do it:

  • It would be best to place your feet on the ground at the edge of the mini-trampoline.
  • You should put your hands behind your head and lie on your back.
  • It is essential to bring your knees up to your chest and then push your stomach and lower back into the trampoline to rock. If you do this the wrong way, you may have a knee problem. If you want to read more about it you can follow: Are trampolines bad for your knees?
  • Make sure your knees are at a 90-degree angle when rocking back and forth.

Benefits of ab rocks:

These are great exercises to do when taking a break from jumping. With this exercise, you get a targeted exercise for your core and abdominal muscles, but the soft surface is easier on your back than on a hard floor, so it is perfect for everyone to do.

Speed Bounce

To make your workout more intense, you may want to add speed bounces.

How to do it:

  • Start by doing a steady bounce.
  • Then bend your hips slightly so that you are leaning forward slightly.
  • When you bounce faster, you may find that your bounces become lower and your stance wider.
  • You may also want to use your arms to work your upper body.

Benefits of speed bounces:

A great way to increase the intensity of any cardio routine while still having a low impact on the knees is by using this type of exercise. It is possible to achieve a full-body workout by engaging your core and arms.

Tuck Jump

On a trampoline, the tuck jump is one of the most popular exercises. The tuck jump is synonymous with gymnastics, but tuck jumps are also a fun and energetic exercise you can do at home.

Due to their more advanced nature, exercises such as this are suitable for advanced rebounders. In addition, if you are a complete beginner, you can add a support handle to reduce the difficulty as you progress.

How to do it:

  • Keeping your chin up, your back straight, and your core tight while you bounce is essential.
  • Bring both knees to your chest every time you bounce.

Benefits of tuck jumps:

There is no better way to strengthen your core and abdominal muscles than to perform tuck jumps. However, make sure that you do not lean your chest forward during this exercise.


The twist is one of the most popular trampoline exercises because it works the entire body.

How to do it:

  • Stand tall at the center of the trampoline.
  • Bounce steadily for a few seconds.
  • As you bounce, keep your hips straight and your core tight as you twist your legs to one side and your upper body to the other.
  • Do this again the next time you bounce but in the opposite direction.

Benefits of twists:

Twists are a great way to exercise your entire body. By bouncing, you are engaging all three of your body’s parts: your legs, your core, and your upper body, all at the same time. As a result of the soft surface, exercise on this soft surface is a low-impact exercise, which is easier on the joints. You can speed up the bounces if you want a more intense workout.

Jump Squat

Many people include squats in their leg day routine, whether on or off a trampoline.

How to do it:

  • Start by bouncing steadily with your feet hip-width apart.
  • You should widen your stance on every other bounce and lower your body so that your hips are pass your knees.
  • Then, rise quickly.

Benefits of squat jumps:

Squat jumps work the muscles around your legs, hips, and glutes. Squat jumps have a much lower impact on a trampoline and are easier on the joints than on a flat, solid surface.


Even though you aren’t technically using your rebounder to do incline push-ups on your mini trampoline, you can do them there nonetheless.

How to do it:

  • Holding onto the trampoline frame, extend your legs behind you to perform a push-up.
  • Ensure that your back is straight and that you form a straight, diagonal line with your body.
  • Bring your chest as close to the trampoline as possible, and then push yourself back up.

Benefits of push-ups:

Even though you may think it is harder to work your upper body muscles on a rebounder, there is no such thing as impossible if you think outside of the box. Using your rebounder in this way can help you build the muscles around your arms, shoulders, and chest.

Trampoline Lunges

You can make lunges to increase the gluteal and leg muscles in your body.

How to do it:

  • Keep one foot on the ground and one on the trampoline mat, ensuring your knee is aligned with your foot.
  • Lift your knee to your chest while standing on the foot on the ground.
  • Return the foot to the ground.
  • Place the foot on the trampoline behind the foot that is on the ground and drop your knee until it is just off the ground.
  • Repeat with the other foot.

Note: It would be best to never jump directly from the rebounder to the floor. It would be best to always come to a stable stance before you bounce and then place your foot back on the floor.

Benefits of trampoline lunges:

Lunges can be a great addition to a leg-focused routine or a full-body workout since they build and target the muscles in the legs and glutes. Since these lunges are performed with momentum, they are more intense than lunges performed on the ground, making them an excellent cardio exercise.

Bouncing Push-Up

You can include this exercise as part of your upper body workout routine. This time, you will be using the elasticity of the trampoline’s surface to your advantage. 

How to do it:

  • Place your hands on the center of the trampoline mat in a wide position, with your chest facing down, and extend your legs behind you.
  • By bouncing your upper body up and landing with your hands closer together, you will be able to use momentum and elasticity.
  • Continue bouncing and return to a broader position.

Benefits of bouncing push-ups:

With this great upper body workout on a trampoline, you can build muscles around your arms, shoulders, and chest as you exercise. Bouncing on the softer surface ensures that little impact is absorbed by your joints, which is why it is an excellent exercise for all fitness levels.  

Frequently Asked Questions

Is jumping on mini-trampoline good exercise?

Yes, the ACE (American Council on Exercise) has published a study showing that jumping on a mini trampoline for less than 20 minutes is just as good as running. Additionally, it feels better, is more fun, and has a better impact on the body than running.

Is mini-trampoline good for weight loss?

Yes, it has been established that rebounding can burn a considerable amount of calories, making it an ideal workout to help shed body fat. Jump Start Trampolines claim that an adult weighing 160 pounds can burn around 7.2 calories per minute jumping on a mini trampoline, which equates to 432 calories per hour when jumping.

How long should you exercise on a trampoline?

You can bounce for 25-30 minutes three times a week to achieve the most effective results. 

Is there a difference between a rebounder and a mini trampoline?

There is a slight difference in size between the rebounder and the mini-trampolines. Moreover, unlike the mini-trampolines, they are also portable, so they can be taken wherever you wish. 

In general, when a mini trampoline has been set up, it usually stays in the same spot for a long time. Mini trampolines are also different from rebounders in what they are designed for: rebounders are mainly designed for fitness activities.

Will jumping reduce belly fat?

There is no doubt that jumping is an excellent method of strengthening your core. Due to this, you will be able to lose belly fat and tighten your abs. We have a dedicated article on it: Does jumping on a trampoline burn Fat. 

What happens if you jump on a trampoline everyday?

No doubt, jumping on the trampoline every day will help to improve your balance, coordination, and motor skills. Trampoline exercises target the back, core, and leg muscles when performed according to a proper plan. In addition, your arms, neck, and glutes will be worked. Several studies have shown that trampolining improves bone density and strength.

Can you jump a trampoline while pregnant?

It is natural for women to worry if the motion caused by jumping will disturb the baby or cause the baby too much rocking, bouncing, and shaking inside the uterus. No, the baby is perfectly content and safe when you rock or bounce. We have a complete guide on it in our article: Can you jump a trampoline while pregnant?

Must Read:

What Is Better, an Oval Trampoline or Rectangle
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Rebounder vs Trampoline
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Best Indoor Trampoline for Kids

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M Waqas Saeed

Introducing M Waqas Saeed, our lead content writer at Trampoline Seeker. With a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature from the University of Punjab and a deep passion for outdoor activities, especially trampolining, Muhammad expertly crafts detailed product reviews and informative guides for our readers. His professional and personal dedication to trampolining helps us stay current with trends and news. Outside of writing, Muhammad enjoys cricket, reading, and of course, time on the trampoline. His unique blend of expertise ensures our content is engaging, accurate, and truly beneficial for all trampoline enthusiasts.

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